Q: Is there a grant for installing Solar Panels?

A: Yes, in some cases a grant is available. Call us for more details.

Q: Does the sun need to be shining for my solar panels to work?

A: Solar works all year round – and even in Winter it will help to give you hot water, because vacuum tubes absorb energy efficiently in all different weathers conditions and all year round.

Q: Where are the panels fitted?

A: Ideally to a south facing roof or slight deviations of about 15 – 30° from that. The inclination / pitch of the collector is equal to the geographical latitude. So if you live at 45° latitude north the ideal pitch is about 45°. Once again slight deviations are not a problem and will only slightly effect the solar yield.

Q: What are the savings?

A: Savings of up to 50 – 70% annually on the heating cost for your hot water and/or heating. Once you have the panel installed that amount of energy is free for you. The main percentage of your water heating cost is eliminated through the use of the solar panel. Over time, your savings will increase as the price of oil / gas / electricity and other fossil fuels will increase in the future. Additionally, as solar is clean energy, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are reduced, helping to protect the environment.

Q: Do I need planning permission?

A: Normally only if the building is in a conservation area / listed building or under construction – but you should check with your local planning office. Solar panels are environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.

Q: We have a large building – is there a suitable system to use solar thermal in a commercial setting?

A: The collectors can be integrated with your existing system to provide hot water throughout the building for toilets / showers / canteens etc in fact anywhere large quantities of free hot water can be used i.e. Hospitals / Leisure Centres and all other commercial applications.

Q: What maintenance is required?

A: No collector maintenance is required. The glass tubes are round and perfectly smooth; any dirt or dust is carried away by the wind and/or rain. There are no moving parts to wear out. All components are made from high-grade stainless steel, aluminium, copper or non-corrosive materials.

Q: What does installation involve?

A: Thermomax collectors are light and modular and can usually be installed by a qualified professional in 1-2 days. They are supplied with an aluminium frame and, being lightweight, they will attach easily to your existing structure. The solar tubes allow air to circulate around them and will not trap moisture or debris.

Q: Is it possible to retain heat gained?

A: The heat can be stored in different ways – normally it is stored in a twin coil solar cylinder for domestic hot water. It can also be used for solar space heating or to heat a swimming pool. It is also possible to combine the different applications.