Q. What causes hard water?

A.Water dissolves lime into itself as it passes through rocks and soils. Water which contains dissolved limestone is said to be “hard”. When this hard water is heated the lime reverts back to its solid state, i.e. lime scale, causing scaling problems in Kettles, Showers, Dishwashers, Washing Machines, Immersion Heaters, Central Heating, Hot Water Pipes, etc. It makes them less efficient, and they need to be serviced much more frequently. And the scale makes it much more expensive to heat the water.
Hard water also forms a “scum” which floats on sinks, baths and dishwashers and makes everything more difficult to clean. Tableware, clothes, skin and hair look dull and feel lifeless. More shampoo, washing-up liquid and Calgon are used to counteract the lime scale, which is very hard on the hands and often causes skin problems. It also forms a thin scale or scum that floats on top of tea.

Q. How do I know if my water is hard?

A. Water which contains high concentrates of lime, will show white (lime) deposit on shower heads, taps, kettles, and also a whitish scum or residue on baths, tiles (especially dark coloured tiles), sink, etc. In severe cases you will need to de-scale kettles. Alternatively, your water can be tested with a simple test kit.

Q. Will installing a water softener rectify damage already caused from lime?

A. Yes, soft water will slowly reverse build-up on pipe work, by eroding lime away, as it can now ‘pick up lime’ instead of depositing it.

Q. Can you drink softened water?

YES, You can drink softened water! Throughout most locations in Ireland, softened water is perfectly safe to drink. Drinking water regulations in Ireland state that drinking water must contain less than 200 mg/l of sodium. Most Irish homes, fitted with water softeners, would safely comply with this drinking water regulation. It’s recommended, however, that babies’ milk feed is prepared with untreated water and that people on a strict low-sodium diet should not drink softened water. A separate hard water tap is usually fitted at the sink to give people the choice

Q. Where does all the limescale go after you fit a water softener?

As softened water goes into the pipe, it starts to gradually dissolve the hardness. Only a tiny amount of dissolved hardness is in the softened water at any time – so performance is not affected. (Hard water contains 300 parts per million hardness minerals. Softened water has zero hardness minerals. Softened water removing scale from pipes contains 10 – 15 parts per million of hardness minerals.)

Q. Will the water softener take up much room?

No, a cupboard near your sink will be sufficient and in some cases, the unit can be located outside.

Q. Can you use softened water in a dishwasher?

Yes. Just set the water hardness indicator on the dishwasher to 0 and you’ll no longer need to put any salt into the machine

Q. Will installing a water softener affect my water rates?

No. The water that’s goes to drain during regeneration is more than compensated for in using less softened water for washing, rinsing and cleaning

Q. How long will the resin in my water softener remain effective?

Between 10 & 15 years is usual. A modern softener will not need a resin change during its normal lifetime.

Q. If I move can I take my water softener with me?

Yes, it can be easily disconnected and relocated in your new home.

If you have any further questions, contact us at:

Tel.:     00353 42 938 0062
Mobile: 00353 87 230 3137
email:  info@tomroddy.ie